Board of Directors

Belinda Llamas web

Belinda Llamas

Belinda has an extensive background in risk management, work health and safety, human resources and business management across various industries over the last 20 years. Passionate about helping to maintain systems, simplifying compliance, growth and long-term planning, she revels in supporting providers on their journey to delivering exceptional client services.

Recognised by WorkSafe Queensland for her contribution to culture and safety during her time in the manufacturing sector, Belinda recognises the importance of a having a supportive leadership team and enjoys sharing her knowledge with others to help build confidence and character.

Having been a part of a challenging journey for her late Grandma, Belinda is determined to see better support in our communities for our older generations. With a young and active family ‘out in the sticks’, and a soft-spot for arts and crafts, she is excited to be joining the Burnie Brae team.

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