Magnificent Bubble Show

Theatre Trip

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Unfortunately this event has been cancelled to due low participant numbers

Experience the magic of bubbles at the Magnificent Bubble Show at Redcliffe Entertainment Centre.

From miniscule specs to gigantic orbs that could swallow you whole! The variety is astounding. Witness a bubble volcano erupting on the palm of your hand, space rocket bubbles soaring into the air, smoke bubbles and so much more.

Burnie Brae Day Trip Details

Date: Tuesday 17 September 2024 (bookings close 26 Aug)
9:00am - 1:00pm
Price: Members $38.00 including bus transport & show ticket. Café open to purchase morning tea before the show.

Join as a Burnie Brae Member

Our theatre trips are inclusive of group discounts and early bird rates.

Unfortunately this event has been cancelled to due low participant numbers

Important Information

The bus departs and returns to Kedron Wavell Services Club (21 Kittyhawk Dr, Chermside). The club is located close to Burnie Brae Centre and provides free parking. Please park at the back of the Kedron Wavell carpark and wait for the bus (view map).

We ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to departure time and note that day tour return times are approximate only. Your contact details will be kept with the bus driver in case of an emergency.

Tickets are refundable if the event is cancelled. The trip is subject to reaching minimum ticket sale requirements and health directives.

Supported Outings

Participants must be independently mobile for this day trip, as support staff will not be present. Support trips are available through Burnie Brae Club Respite.

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