Lymphatic Drainage

Lympatic Drainage Blog

Lymphatic Drainage: Myths & Home Treatments

Lymphatic drainage is a massage therapy technique that encourages fluid movement throughout the body. The technique uses a soft, slow flow of movement in specific directions to reduce fluid build up in the body and allow fluid to flow.

How it works

When we have swelling in our bodies, the lymphatic system’s passages can become overwhelmed, preventing the natural flow of fluid. Our lymphatic system relies on muscular movement to push fluid through these passages.

Lymphatic drainage makes use of this manual pump design and overrides it by acting in conjunction with the muscular system. The pressure from lymphatic drainage allows fluid to move more quickly through its passages and reduces fluid build up in a specific area.

Common conditions lymphatic drainage can help:

• Lymphedema

• Symptoms from post-lymph node removal

• Gout

• Swelling from diabetes

• Sprains

• Neural swelling

• Post-operation on swelling

• Bakers cyst

Three common myths debunked

MYTH 1: It needs to be sore to be helping.

Despite its gentle nature, lymphatic drainage simulates muscle movement on the skin, where most of our lymphatic channels are located.

If firm pressure is applied during this treatment, the lymph ducts will become blocked as we push the lymph through. As a result, there will be a back flow of fluid, which will not produce the desired results.

MYTH 2: Lymphatic drainage works when you feel sick from it.

Too much fluid movement in your system all at once can result in feeling nauseous, however this is an uncommon side effect of the treatment and not an indication of its success.

Your lymphatic system is an important part of your immune system. Bacteria and viruses may get caught in lymph nodes when your body fights them off.

MYTH 3: The treatment will remove all toxins in my body.

The body is able to remove toxins naturally thanks to the lymphatic system, liver, kidneys and spleen, as well as maintain a specific temperature and PH level. All these systems work together to process toxins, waste products, bacteria and viruses.

Lymphatic drainage is not a treatment for removing toxins from the body. It is, rather, a treatment that assists the lymphatic system in performing its natural function of processing toxins and waste products.

Stimulate your lymphatics at home

There are many ways you can stimulate your lymphatic system on your own. The most basic technique is to lie with your feet elevated above your heart.

Or try the following active lymphatic drainage technique:

1. Lift the hips one at a time, twisting the upper half of your body.

2. Lift and lower the leg, focusing on the hip movement only and keeping the foot high.

3. Maintain a flexed hip and high foot while you bend and straighten the knee.

4. Keeping your foot in the air, move the ankle back and forth.

5. Scrunch your toes.

6. Repeat the exercises in a reverse order, from step five to one.

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